An industrial park, also known as an industrial zone, is a an area specifically created to accommodate businesses from various industries, with the aim of offering them a favorable environment to carry out their activities. These parks are characterized by having adequate infrastructure for the needs of each company, such as: road access, electricity, potable water, telecommunications networks, security, among other services.
One of the main advantages of an industrial park is that it provides companies with all the necessary facilities and services for business growth, since it is equipped with essential amenities and services. Additionally, these parks typically provide a range of tax and financial incentives to support the success of the businesses that operate within them.
In order to promote investment and economic development in a specific geographical area, industrial parks emerge as a response to the need for adequate spaces for economic and business activity. They can be located in urban or rural areas, with the aim of creating employment, promoting industrialization and economic development of a region, as well as improving the efficiency and productivity of the companies that are installed in them through the creation of synergies and economies of scale.
Industrial parks in Guatemala
In recent years, Guatemala has experienced a growing interest in the creation and development of industrial parks as a strategy to promote investment and employment in the country. The development of industrial parks in Guatemala has focused mainly on the metropolitan region of the capital city, as well as in the regions of Quetzaltenango, Escuintla and Puerto Quetzal. They offer a variety of services, from providing land for the construction of industrial warehouses to connecting to basic services such as water, electricity and telecommunications.
Among its main benefits are: